2-Ingredient Creamy Cantaloupe Popsicles

Cantaloupes, sometimes know as muskmelons, rock melons, or Persian melons, are a quintessential summer fruit. At the perfect peak of ripeness, they are sweet, slightly floral, and super juicy. Cantaloupes are more than just delicious though! They're a rich source…

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New Product: Be Fresh Fake-O-Baco

What is Fake-O-Baco, you ask? Well, it's fake bacon. Unlike other vegan bacon, it’s made out of beans - not tofu or rice paper like most homemade recipes are, or weird unpronounceable ingredients like store-bought ones are. I love tofu,…

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Turmeric Tofu Scramble Recipe

Normally, I go for sweet breakfasts. My go-to's are typically smoothies or oatmeal. On weekends though, I always crave savoury breakfasts. I’m unsure if it’s the luxury of sleeping in and having time to prepare an elaborate meal, or if it’s…

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